
ENG110: Freshman Composition @ City College of New York

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Key Items

by Yuanqing Wang

Rhetorical Situation

What is rhetoric

Rhetoric = any communication used to modify the perspectives of others.
Aristotle: rhetoric is “an ability, in each particular case, to see the available means of persuasion” (Aristotle Rhetoric I.1.2, Kennedy 37) rhetorical axis

What is rhetorical situation

The circumstances in which you communicate to persuade others. venn rhetorical situaion

Author and Audience



one who

Check out: Barthes, Roland. "The Death of the Author"
Foucault, Michel. "What Is an Author"



one who

Intended readers

Who do you write for? Who do you have in mind when you write it?

Background of author and audience

Genre and Medium

Genre definition: form of your writing.

Medium definition: the way in which a piece of writing is delivered.

Tone and Purpose

Stance and Language